Is washing your face with physiological saline good?

Beauty with salt water is no longer strange to women today, the use of salt [...]

Is it good to gargle with salt water after brushing your teeth?

Gargling with salt water is a simple, economical but effective way to protect your teeth. [...]

What does mouthwash do? 17 uses of mouthwash

Mouthwash is a popular product used by many users today. But very few users know [...]

The most commonly used children’s mouthwash today

For children to have good oral health, it is very important to use a mouthwash [...]

The best mouthwash for gingivitis and gingivitis today

Gingivitis is an oral disease that can be painful and cause bad breath. To solve [...]

Note to use safe and effective antibacterial mouthwashes

Antibacterial mouthwash is an effective oral hygiene solution, helping to reduce dental diseases such as gingivitis, [...]

How to floss effectively and 4 mistakes to avoid

Flossing has long been an oral hygiene tool recommended by many dentists. However, in fact, [...]

Tell you 10+ ways to cure toothache quickly and effectively at home

A toothache is a condition in which the patient feels a sharp pain or a [...]

What is tooth decay? Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Tooth decay is a fairly common disease among Vietnamese people today. Not only children but [...]

Canker sores and home remedies for canker sores

Canker sores are a very familiar disease for everyone. The disease occurs when the oral [...]

What is periodontitis? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment direction

Periodontitis is a fairly common oral disease, but because the disease has similar characteristics to [...]

Alarm 17 common oral diseases: Causes and treatment directions

According to statistics of the health organization, the number of people suffering from dental problems [...]