Flossing has long been an oral hygiene tool recommended by many dentists. However, in fact, in Vietnam, this tool is still not really known or known by many people, but it is not clear how to use it. If you are too, let’s immediately learn about dental hygiene tools – floss in this article!
1/ What is dental floss? Uses of dental floss
Dental floss is a product that belongs to the field of dentistry. They are made from thin nylon fibers, which can help users remove food particles and plaque in between teeth and roots – where the brush cannot reach. Thanks to that, it is possible to prevent the formation of tartar, tartar without damaging teeth and gums.
Materials for making dental floss: The main material that makes up dental floss is nylon fiber. In addition, it is also impregnated with some antimicrobial agents and also anti-yeast agents, triclosan, chlorhexidine, …
The purpose is to bring the benefits of cleaning and protecting the teeth, preventing bacteria from growing and multiplying.

Classification: Currently, dental floss has 2 types, which are multi-thread – nylon thread and single thread – PTTE thread. These dental flosses can be pre-cut into segments, rolled into rolls or pre-strung on a retainer.
Appearance: Basically, dental floss is packaged in 2 forms with different characteristics:
Rolled form, contained in a small box: laborious because you have to cut yourself and have to wrap your fingers when using it, but it has a high cleaning effect.
Toothpick form, with short thread and fixed on a C-bow: more convenient to use than the coil type
2/ Unexpected benefits of using dental floss
Using dental floss can bring a lot of benefits to your teeth, specifically:
2.1 Prevent bad breath
Thanks to dental floss, food particles and plaque are thoroughly removed, helping to limit the risk of bacteria growth, metabolism leading to bad breath.
2.2 Prevention of tooth decay
Brushing cannot completely clean plaque and food, especially when they stick in the roots, between the teeth.
However, if you use dental floss correctly, you can do this, thereby, preventing bacteria from arising and attacking tooth enamel causing tooth decay.
2.3 No damage to the gums
Removing plaque, leftovers with toothpicks can make teeth spaced, even damage gums leading to infection, gingivitis.
However, dental floss can completely overcome this problem

2.4 Prevent gingivitis
If gingivitis is not treated in time, it can lead to periodontal disease, even more serious, causing tooth loss.
The cause of gingivitis is mainly due to plaque, leftover food lying in between teeth and gums for a long time, creating conditions for bacteria to attack.
However, the purpose of flossing is to safely and effectively remove plaque, thereby preventing bacteria from arising.
2.5 Reduces tartar formation
When the plaque, leftover food in between the teeth, the tooth roots are removed by dental floss, combined with proper brushing will reduce the formation of tartar and tartar.
3/ Instructions for using dental floss correctly
3.1/ Use dental floss for molars
How to use dental floss scientifically, properly follow these steps:
Step 1: Cut a piece of dental floss from 30 – 45cm
Step 2: Wrap the thread on the middle fingers of both hands tightly and then use your thumb to hold the thread if cleaning the upper teeth and 2 middle fingers if cleaning the lower teeth.
How to floss for molars can be a bit difficult for beginners, so do it slowly.
Step 3: How to use only for the mouth for the upper jaw is quite simple.
Just place 2 thumbs about 2.5cm apart and then gently insert the floss between the teeth.
Then hold 1 thumb still. The other finger moves up and down along the tooth.
Step 4: The way to use only for the mouth for the lower jaw is similar. Only change the thumb holding the index to the middle finger is okay.
Step 5: Rinse mouth with water.
The whole process of cleaning teeth with floss for teeth only takes about 1 minute, but brings unexpected teeth care effects.
Follow the instructions for using dental floss after brushing your teeth.
3.2/ Use only for teeth with handle
How to use dental floss includes 2 steps:
Step 1: Thread the thread in between the teeth and then bring the thread up and down.
Step 2: Prick the food particles in between the teeth with the sharp tip.
3.3/ Floss before or after brushing?
In addition to knowing the instructions for using dental floss, the timing of flossing is also very important.
According to dental experts, this type of tooth cleaning tool should be used after brushing. The purpose is to remove the remaining plaque and food particles in the nooks and crannies that a toothbrush cannot reach.
Video tutorial for cleaning teeth with dental floss of Oral-B
4/ Common mistakes when cleaning teeth with dental floss
– Using too much force
Using too much force is one of the ways to use toothpicks only for teeth a mistake that many people encounter. This will damage teeth and gums.
Therefore, clean your teeth with dental floss gently, slowly, especially when you first start using it.
– Use it sparingly
Many people usually only take about 10cm of dental floss to clean their teeth. However, this will not be good for your teeth in the long run.
Using only a short thread to clean all the teeth can spread the infection from one tooth to another.
– Use big and hard thread
Use large, hard floss to clean your teeth just like you are cleaning your teeth with a toothpick. Therefore, choose thin, soft threads to clean teeth.
– Do not let children use dental floss
Children who are too young should not use it just because they do not know how to make their teeth and gums vulnerable.
Above is some information and how to use dental floss. In addition, to achieve the best oral care effect, you should combine the use of mouthwash.
Dr.Muối. salt water mouthwash is a product that many people trust. The product is made from natural sea salt containing many beneficial minerals such as Ca, Mg, K….
Dr. Salt Mouthwash helps to effectively clean teeth
The concentration of 0.9% NaCl meets the standard, ensuring safety and suitable for all subjects. In addition, the product is also processed through a multi-stage filtration process on Culligan equipment from the US and Italy to help better protect teeth.
Dr.Salt mouthwash helps protect oral health
This is a safe product for both pregnant women and children over 6 years old. Products can help kill bacteria, protect teeth, prevent tooth decay and bring fresh breath. Dr.Salt is the comprehensive health care solution for you.
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